Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Priorities: Pursuing my God-sized Dream

To do or not to do? That is the question.

Deadlines loom. Priorities assume importance.

Putting First Things First is essential. No procrastination or prevarication now.

But how do we know what to prioritise in the everyday run of life?

Our 'To Do' list may be enormous yet never get much ticked off it.

Over the last few weeks when physical health problems have been more pronounced, prioritising and pacing have become more important to me than ever. I'm still learning the lesson the hard way.

Although I've enjoyed getting involved with social media in recent months and really treasure the friendships I've made and support I've gained, it has also taken a lot of time and energy I cannot always afford to expend. 

I've also noticed other areas of my life suffering from neglect. The dusty journal stares reproachfully at me as I favour tweeting and blogging to share my thoughts instead.

There are enough books (physical and e-copies) in my house to stock a mini library but many go unread as the majority of my 'reading' is composed of other people's messages, blogs and poetry on-line rather than books.

My own writing and poetry suffer by way of comparison with that of others (never a good idea!) or from a lack of energy, drive and motivation once I've read such a lot elsewhere - inspiring as much of it is.

Extended family and friends in general rarely get a look in either as I lack the necessary health, strength or fitness required to visit them and often find phone calls too taxing; such is the way with M.E. and chronic illness. And - most urgently - Where is God in all of this?

Something has to change and soon. 

When there is a medical need for resuscitation then the ABC's come into play: 

  • Airway
  • Breathing
  • Circulation

How do I resuscitate a dying inner life? What should my priorities be? Perhaps a new A-B-C is called for?

Since this New Year has commenced I have been reminded to seek God's wisdom first and foremost. 

To help me assess what God is asking me to do and be this year, I am connecting with Holley Gerth's 'God-sized Dream'  exploration.

I have many thoughts, goals and desires for this year, especially writing projects. 

Any one of them could have been chosen to be the one I focus on as all would be God-sized dreams requiring His enabling and equipping. 

Yet, I sense God is asking me to go back to basics with Him before I can move forward with any of my plans.

Then He can implant His dream within me as I pay attention to Him.

With that in mind:

My God-sized dream goal is: 

To draw closer to God and discover His specific plan for me creatively and personally

My new A-B-C  is beginning to look like this: Attending - Being - Committing

What will this look like in reality? I'm not too sure yet. What I do know is that I am ready to make the journey and anticipate ups and downs along the way! More will be revealed in the weeks ahead as I add detail to each A-B-C.
"We can only do what we are able to do; but inspired by the Spirit it's always a beautiful thing in Jesus' sight" ~ Joni Eareckson Tada
The aim is to start to show healthy Vital Signs of God at work in my life as more of His life is worked in and through the way I live - to His praise and glory. This is the hoped for end result:

"You will become courageous. You will have victories you never thought possible. And you will be filled up with what you really need, which is less of you and more of Jesus in your life" ~ Holley Gerth
A Closing Prayer to reflect on:

"May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever. 
Amen" ~ Hebrews 13:20 - 21

I'm linking here with Holley Gerth and friends as we explore our God-sized dreams. Do take a look. It is not too late to get involved! The more the merrier. 

We can encourage, support, uphold and commiserate with one another as we delve into all God has for us this year and our attempts to live it out.

I'd love you to join me on this journey and contribute your own thoughts too.

You can also connect with me here on Facebook or here on Twitter.


  1. A lot of times all we have to do is get back to the basics to discover what our true purpose is. Thank you for sharing. God's blessings to you and your family.

    1. Thank you, Toni, for visiting and leaving a lovely comment. God bless you and yours too :)

  2. Joy I can relate to so much of this. I've put a lot of 'doing' down this year to focus on God and have also pulled back on blogging every thought and reading all the blogs - just some I feel I connect with.
    I want to look back on this year and know I worked as much as I could for God and not for nothing.

    1. Yes, it is all too easy to spread ourselves so thinly that little of substance remains. It will no doubt be a steep learning curve as I am new to social media and still in the "Isn't this exciting?" phase! My aim is to discover more about those areas God wants me to focus my limited energy on so that I can do what is pleasing to Him and be more productive too. I wish you well, Tania, as you seek to draw closer to God's heart. It's the best place to be. :)

  3. Back the basics is always a valuable place to go! Wonderful direction you're heading.

    1. Hi Holley, lovely to see your smiling face! Thank you so much for taking the time to encourage me with my God-sized dream. I really appreciate it. Looking forward to continuing the journey. :)

  4. Very challenging and encouraging. It is my prayer that our Saviour will help me to focus on those things which really matter and to be drawn even closer to Him. Thank you for sharing this. Really good.

    1. A prayer that is echoed in my heart too. Thanks, Day, for your lovely comment. Be blessed as you draw close to Him. :)

  5. What a good reminder...your words were a blessing to me today. Thank you so much, Joy, for sharing your heart!

    1. Thanks, Mel. I really appreciate your kind comment. Sharing my heart seems to be my default position! Stay blessed and encouraged in the Lord. :)

  6. Very true. I've started setting time limits on my social media. I can read twitter for 20 minutes and whatever I read in that time I read and whatever I don't I miss out on. I'm finding it leaves me with a lot more time to do things like spend time with people, read and write.

    1. Oh you're ahead of me there, Wendy! That must be a priority soon. So much interests and fascinates me still on social media or I get drawn into a conversation that takes a long time to complete. So it can be hard to put time limits on it. Sound advice though, which I would do well to emulate. Thank you for sharing what works for you. :)

  7. Love, love, love!!! I'm excited for the direction HE is taking you as your follow your GOD-SIZED DREAM! I'mm blessed to journey alongside you.

    1. Hi Stefanie. Lovely to meet you. So pleased you are joining me for the journey! I'm excited and a little nervous too. With God you never know what to expect. But the end result is always for our greater good. Buckle up friend..here we go. :)
