One of the loveliest things anyone can do for us is to invite and welcome us into their life.
To share at a deep level is trust revealed and given.
And our response to it could make or break that friendship.
Because there is a reciprocal response required.
How about when it's God issuing the invitation?
Will we draw near to the Source of Life Himself?
Maybe we will go to Him willingly if we appreciate the worth of this invitation. Or maybe we hesitate ~ wary, uncertain, or unwilling to follow.
Since the beginning of this year God has been trying to get my attention. The 'word' He laid on my heart should have given me a clue as to His intentions.
Yet my soul has pulled away and strayed more often than not from the simple call of "Come".
This week three words have repeated themselves:"Come to Me" and I know it's time I listened and heeded them.
'Come to Me'
Come to Me when you are weary
worn out and sad
Come to Me when you are happy,
rejoicing and glad
Come to Me in sorrow
when clouds obscure your day
Come to Me in anger
when nothing goes your way
Come to Me when you are empty
needing to be filled
Come to Me anxious, wary,
needing to be stilled
Come to Me impatient, restless,
desperate for a change
Come to Me when life's a mess
for Me to rearrange
Come to Me continually, always,
just as you are
Come to Me willingly each day
though I seem near or far
Come to Me hungry, waiting
to be fed
Come to Me dry, thirsty,
for My Living Bread
Come to Me ~ don't hesitate
or stay in despair
Come to Me now
I will always Be Here
"Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" ~ Matthew 11:28
"Come, all who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat! Come buy wine and milk without cost...Give ear and come to me; hear me that your soul may live" ~ Isaiah 55:1 -3
I've really needed this reminder recently.
As days get busier and more stressful I can't afford not to go to God on a regular basis.
He alone is the centre and oasis of calm in the midst of chaos.
Peace in our pain and problems.
Rest and refreshment in times of rush and hurry.
Continual love and compassion for when we need a tender touch.
Our patience and endurance when every last scrap deserts us.
Hope in the hard places.
Grace as we grapple to see our way forward.
Light eternal to make the way ahead clearer.
Maybe God is saying something similar to you too?
Perhaps, like me, you sense Holy Spirit speaking to your heart.
Maybe this Advent season is a good time to come to Him and let Christ live in your heart.
Joining here with Jennifer for #TellHisStory and with Nacole for #concretewords
**Note** ~ This poem is a rare one now on 'Words of Joy' as most of my poetry is being profiled on my new site ~ I'd love you to hop over and take a look.