Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Diving into the depths

These are days where I no longer want to skim the surface but go deep.

Dive into the depths with God. Dig in and seek treasure.

Give up splashing in shallow waters. Or making waves.

Rather, I aim to sink restful into His presence, float easy in His river of grace.

For too long now I have trod a pathway through thorny bushes, stepped painful on stones.

Kicked dust and sand in the wilderness, wandering aimlessly down weary pathways.

And now? I am dry as dust. Bone-tired. Run ragged.

Now I sense an urge to rise and heed the song of freedom as Holy Spirit's voice whispers on the wind.

Be in a place of rest and refreshment.

Wait a while. Sit by still waters and allow myself to drink deep.

Relax and let go the daily grind.

Life has a way of making us stressed out, depressed and worn out.

It is time to break loose. Ease away from daily cares.

Go where we sense God is leading us. A place of rest, renewal and refreshment for thirsty souls.

In order to remain fruitful we need to abide in The Vine.

I've discovered I am thirstier than I knew. Wearier than I want to be. Hungry for His Presence.

It's time to withdraw for a while in order to be replenished.

Not to packs bags and head off on a journey. That's all too exhausting by far.

This is a rest for the spirit, a recuperation, a period of 'being' more than doing, a leaning into listening to God and listening to my life.

What prompted it?

Well, general health/life challenges and prolonged fatigue have played their part, plus I've been greatly inspired by reading a post by Margaret Feinberg where she shares why she is logging off and shutting down for a week from blogging, Twitter and Facebook.

My heart leaped in recognition as I read it. I Need This! A sacred space to hear sacred echoes. A six month review of how well (or otherwise) my #oneword365 ~'listen'(ing) to God and to my life is going for me.

Would you like to join in? Do head over to Margaret's place to see what's involved. 

Maybe it's just what the Chief Physician of your soul has ordered for you too.

Then we'll meet up again on July 7th (or beyond as I'm joining in a bit late) and discover how God has met with us in the quiet places and spaces of our days.

Maybe the sound of silence will be the sweetest sound we know, where much is heard of lasting eternal value.

I hope so.

Until we meet again:

May you be blessed by a greater awareness of what God is saying to you, a greater desire to follow His still, small voice and an increased ability to know when to switch off and unplug for your sanity's sake.

Blessings and love,
Joy :) xx


  1. This is wonderful Joy. We all need that sacred space to rest. Hope it goes well.

    1. Thanks, James! It has been a needful thing for me physically, emotionally and spiritually. God has certainly honoured the time given over to Him. Now I am slowly working my way back into blogging and social media again.

      However, I am taking care not to rush into things all at once as I am prone to do when I feel some energy is available! I appreciate your comment here and look forward to connecting again soon. Blessings, my friend. :)

  2. I am planning to completely unplug on Friday. It is oh so needed. Blessings to you, friend. You shared your heart so beautifully here. I'm heading over to read Margaret's post. xoxo

    1. Hi Beth. It's good to hear I am not alone in this endeavour! I hope and pray you will be rested, refreshed and restored during your break. Looking forward to catching up with you very soon. Blessings, my friend. xoxo :)
