Friday, 22 August 2014

Grit and grace

Ageing well requires grit and grace.

Plenty of perseverance and endurance. 

It is definitely not for the faint-hearted.

A significant birthday looms large on the horizon. 

Yes, this blog is nearly two years old and its sister blog (Poetry Joy) is almost one, which is good reason to celebrate!

But it's their writer who is approaching a more important landmark.

A stop-gap pause in life's breezy proceedings.

Will I embrace or hold back? Accept the (mostly unwelcome) change that growing older brings?

Will this silver-surfer slide inexorably into senility or will I grow more in insight, wisdom and creativity?

Only time will tell. I hope the years will be kind. 

And I hope to embrace the hard parts as they help shape and make me.

Here's the thing, not all change is welcome, invited or appreciated.

Though I will still aim to:
  • Pour out my heart in poetry and prose and share His story in the process. 
  • Lean hard into grace every day.
  • Walk the painful path of dying to self and living for Christ.
  • Crave God's Presence.
  • Listen for His voice.
  • Dive deeper into healing as I dip back into my painful past.
  • Encourage others on the journey.
So I may alter a little on the surface, but deep inside ~ at the heart of the matter ~  I will grow into joy and become more fully myself as I allow God to make me more like Christ.

Change lies on the doorstep of each day. It hangs heavy for some and signals freedom for others.

Are you ready for all it may bring? 

Much depends on what or who is changing you, where you are heading to, and who walks with you.

" whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried you since your birth. Even to your old age and grey hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you" ~ Isaiah 46:3-4

Just for a change, I am joining in here instead of on  (because the usual poetic offering gave way to prose) with  Kate Motaung and other brave writer friends for five minutes of free writing on the topic of 'Change'. 

*And if you like my poetry you can read one about change here.*

Friend, may you see each new day as opportunity to grow and to live, learn and listen in your walk with God. And may He bless you with peace as you leap by faith into the unknown territory of the now and the yet-to-come. For we travel with Him into a future rich with promise and blessings as yet unseen but full of grace and glory.


  1. Cheers to a year (and many more) that prove to you that age is only that... not a summation of who you are or your value. Your goals are beautiful and I pray you see each one fulfilled. Thanks for sharing :) And happy early birthday! And indeed, may it TRULY be filled with joy.

    1. Hi Marcy. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your sweetly encouraging comment! I love what you say about age being "only that.. not a summation of who you are or your value." Wise words, friend. Bless you. :)

  2. Happy birthdays all round Joy ... thank you for this peaceful insight in living daily in His presence and not worrying about tomorrow.

    1. Thank you, Liana! Your birthday wishes are a little premature but gratefully received all the same. These significant milestones of life do lend themselves well to pondering about how to live more fully for God. Blessings to you, friend. :) x

  3. Happy, happy birthday, Joy! May God bless you with increasing joy in Jesus and heal you in those deep, dark places. Hugs! ❤️

    1. What a lovely greeting and blessing! Thanks very much, Trudy. May God continue to do the same for you too, my friend. Blessings and *Hugs* :) x
