Friday, 6 September 2013

Nothing muted here

It's been one of those weeks when thoughts don't flow freely and thinking feels more like a mud-dredging effort to mine for a few scattered gems than an easy, relaxed, effortless activity.

Life with M.E often brings brain fog and muddled (muddied) thinking as well as problems with focus and concentration.

Strangely, when words sit heavy for me and hard to find, it seems that poetry rises faster with more fluency than prose.

So this week's Five Minute Friday writing challenge lends itself well to verse, for better or worse!

Today's prompt is:'Red'


Red Offering

You want me to wear red
that shout-out-loud, 'look at me'
noisy hot breath 
of anger and danger
can't I wear something 
more muted instead?

Red is...poured out, bleeding offering
on a cross of shame and suffering
death pooling, injury, wounding,
scarring, revealing scarlet thread
signalling loss and pain

And yet...there's a vibrancy 
a glow, shining brightness about it all
love's token of a heart aflame
grace revealing in Jesus name

a warming, birth of hope rising
with each petal falling 
from head, hands and feet
as offering for us all
to pass on to those we meet

Shout it is good
don't fade into crowd
be proud to take a stand
and a share of the sorrow 
and shame He bore
so you can bear the weight
of Love He brings to everything

with forgiveness threads spooling
onto ground weeping red
it's a cause to rejoice
for us all


Linking here with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday where we write freely on a given topic, from the heart, as it comes, with no worry about perfection.

You are very welcome and warmly invited to join in.


  1. This is beautiful Joy. I'm so glad you were able to find, and release, these words.

    1. Thank you, Jen. Whenever I get to the end and look back I am always amazed what God has wrought through my hands! He finds a way to release the things He wants expressed.

  2. I agree with Jen. Beautiful Joy! I love the wide range of emotions we get from the word red.

    1. Yes, it does lend itself to some vivid imagery and wide range of thoughts, doesn't it? Thank you so much, Eileen!

  3. Beautiful Joy! Coming over from Five Minute Friday. I love that you chose to write a poem. And a wonderful one at that. Have a great weekend!

    1. Allie, I think the poem chose itself really! Bless you for stopping by to leave a lovely comment. Hope you had a great weekend too.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks very much, Anne! Coming from you that means a lot. I really appreciate you stopping by.

  5. So beautiful, Joy. It was such a blessing to read your wonderful poem. Thank you x

    1. I'm so pleased it blessed you, Anita. Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts. Xx

  6. A lovely poem Joy. Glad that you have such a beautiful way to express yourself even as the ME is proving challenging.

    1. Thank you, Mandy! It is hard to fight past the weariness and brain fog, as you know only too well, my friend. But God has a way of working in us despite (and often because of) our weakness.

  7. For someone with brain fog (I totally get those days from my sleep issues, so I can relate. I turn in to a clumsy idiot when I have had bad insomnia lol), you sure did a GREAT job of crafting such poignant words! This was a unique twist on red. I haven't seen anything like it yet at FMF . :)

    1. Thank you so much for this lovely encouragement, Rebekah! Though I know God definitely had His hand in the way this turned out. I cannot write well without His enabling and equipping. It's amazing how varied the responses can be to the one word prompt, isn't it? :)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks very much, Joan! I really appreciate you stopping by. Xx

  9. The beautiful rose of Sharon, petals falling I so love the thought this brought to mind, and the picture I was able to capture as well .

    Lovely beyond words to express at times are the way certain people can take us to a place of such beauty with words ....a Gift from God.

    1. Thanks very much for your insightful comment. I hadn't considered the rose of Sharon when I wrote this but it is so apt! Words and the expression of them are indeed a gift from God, especially as they bless and encourage others.

  10. Dear Joy, your poetry is just amazing. Where do you find the words. Do you think think poems. I agree with Rebekah, you lifted FmF to another level.
    I always enjoy your posts.

    1. Patricia, you are so kind! These words, like so many before them, fall into my mind through Holy Spirit inspiration and surprise me too! Though I do tend to think poetically quite easily. Isn't God wonderful in the way He helps and equips us? Thanks very much for blessing me by sharing your thoughts here.
